Logistics Management—Review and Propositions For Future Research
Logistic management is the administration of supply chain management activity that helps organizations plan, manage, and implement procedures to move and store goods. Logistic management activities classically comprise inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, material handling, inventory and goods control, order accomplishment, logistic network design, demand planning, and administration of 3PL Logistic Service Providers. It is a detailed process of organizing and implementing an operation. When it comes to business, it is how a business flows from beginning to end, which ensures that it meets customer expectations as well as its organization’s goals. An expert in this field is known as a logistician, who works on modeling, analyzing, visualizing, and optimizing this complex logistic puzzle.
Logistics Management—Review And Propositions For Future Research:
Due to multiple global disasters over the past few decades, emergency logistics management has become an increasingly important international issue. Disasters such as these have increased humanitarian supply and distribution support, but emergency logistics are critical during and after a disaster. For this reason, an effective and efficient logistic management system is essential. These papers present a brief review of emergency logistic management papers published in tr-e during the past 25 years.in particular, we highlight the general’s impact, scope, and methodological reach within the emergency logistical field.
Operational Management Of Smart Logistics Review And Future Research:
In Operation, operation exploration smart logistic substantially concerns the operation of underpinning technologies, business sense, operation frame, affiliated operation system, and optimization problems under specific scripts. To explore these studies the affiliated literature has been reviewed in this work. Based on exploration gaps and the requirement of artificial practices, exploration direction in this field is also proposed.
Future Of Logistic Management:
In the future transportation will offer many opportunities, but it will require substantial steps and boldness to transform. The industry needs to be open to new insights rather than being mentally closed by the ones it already has. The digital revolution is affecting every industry, and each has its challenges. Changing practices are being driven by the evolution of technology. today everything is online and available to us immediately in the present time and this demand will be extended in future also.
To remain competitive and enhance effectiveness keeping with the rearmost technology is a must-have. The logistic assiduity is serving immensely from the rearmost technology and will continue to grow as further advances are made. The improvements in technology will continue to push the boundaries for times to come.
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